Success isn’t working from the beach

I’ve worked from the beach doing the “laptop lifestyle” thing…

Hot Florida beaches, white sands, MacBook Pro et al.

It stinks.

Everyone else is enjoying themselves. But you? You have an aluminium heat-machine literally burning your legs.

They’re spending time with their families. You’re getting a headache trying to read emails on a glossy screen in direct sunlight.

They’re taking a break because they’re on the beach. You’re going to take a break when you get home, after having been to the beach, where people take a break.

They dust sand off their shorts and go home. You use your AppleCare warranty because your MacBook overheated and got full of sand.

Don’t take other people’s ideas of what a successful lifestyle should look like.

Yours may look nothing like theirs. Mine certainly doesn’t.

If you’ve achieved a certain amount of wealth (or even if you haven’t), don’t spend it living someone else’s dream.

Live yours.

We need you to be fully, authentically you, so that you can create what only you can fully, authentically create.