Beating your high score

What conversion rate should we aim to have our marketing assets achieve?

What close rates should our sales teams hit?

How much revenue should your business be producing to be considered successful?

Answer: the only ‘high score’ to beat is your own, if you choose to play.

It feels like a pat answer. A non-answer. An answer someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about would say.

But that’s because we’re easily tricked into believing there’s a universal set of rules to our work. That success is defined in a particular way, as is failure.

But that’s not the case. We get to define those things however we like, no matter what

Profit margins and LTV might be more important to you than revenue and valuations. Minimal responsibility might suit your lifestyle more than hustle.

Choose your own rules. Play your best. Don’t worry about what games others are playing.

We need you to play your own game so you can produce your best work.

We’re counting on you.