Making and selling

Making is part of the selling process.

Selling is part of the making process.

I loved making and selling things since I was really tiny. I’d cut up my drawings and try to sell them as jigsaw puzzles.

I’d learn which pictures people liked and which they didn’t. I’d learn why packaging is important, and to make sure there aren’t all-white pieces!

Making and selling should be connected.

Making without selling means you can’t make your work objective better. There just isn’t the real, empirical data you need to make real progress.

Selling without making means you can’t make your work objectively better. There isn’t the opportunity to create the changes needed to make real progress.

The ability to get that data, plus the ability to make those changes, unlocks the superpower of inevitable, eventual success.

Create an environment where these two things are directly connected. Making, and selling. It’s a real-life superpower.