Revering the Right Things

What do you revere at work?

Small businesses often hustle in hope of becoming large corporations, even at the expense of sacrificing their advantages as a SMB. But SMBs that own the work, innovate methodically serve people with care, ultimately get to outlast the corporations who forget the things that matter.

Digital marketers often hustle for a transaction at any cost, even at the expense of their own integrity. Web practitioners that revere the work of helping others with technology and language that lasts, ultimately get to outlast the flash-in-the-pan names we see temporarily in ads.

Your company or project may be in pursuit of something you’ve spotted others doing, even at the expense of your own customers. But those who remember to focus on those they serve (profitably) – making all else secondary – rarely seem to find themselves coming up short.

Again: what do you revere at work?