Types of Simple
There are different types of simple.
When we say our work is “simple” for a customer to operate, what kind of simple do you mean?
First-timer simple. Think WordPress, with its “click and done” operation. Or an iPhone, with its consistent, reliable operating system.
Both are simple to pick up and use. Both restrict you in what is possible in order to create that kind of simplicity.
Long-timer simple. Think Adobe Photoshop with its endless possibilities. Or Raspberry Pi with it’s entirely open construction.
Both are simple in the sense that they allow you to do what you need to do without looking for other products or services to get the job done. Both are intimidating to first-timers in order to create that kind of simplicity.
Bare-bones simple. Think flat HTML files and their lack of dependencies and ‘points of failure’. Or a paper notebook that can’t compute, but does a great job of holding ink.
The files can’t remember your name or let you edit from a web browser. The notebook won’t sync with your laptop or let you hit ‘Undo’. They’re bare-bones simple.
Photoshop doesn’t benefit from being First-timer simple (that just creates more work). WordPress can’t be bare-bones simple (or it wouldn’t be a browser-editable CMS anymore).
In our pursuit of work that is “simple” for our customer to operate, make sure you choose the right kind of simple, or it won’t really be simple at all.