Good news for bizdev

The internet has a shortage of bizdev opinions.

Oh wait…

That’s not right, is it.

Everyone who’s ever received a five-figure check is a business guru now.

They’ll all share their opinion about their one new hack that changes everything.

And, impressively, they’re not wrong once about that.

No. They’re wrong three times:

  • There’s not one thing. There are lots of little things. When they’re all good enough, things start to move.
  • It’s not new. Safely give people what they want, how they love to receive it. It’s not new, but it is rare.
  • It’s not a hack. People don’t want to be hacked. They want to be seen, supported, entertained and protected.

What good news this is.

I cover this topic in more detail in this week’s issue of The Productoon newsletter!