How I do knowledge management

Knowledge management had always been a bit tricky.

So many tools, each with their own preferences and limitations…

What’s the best way to store it all, AND easily retrieve it all, without limitations?

I’ve found the answer in Obsidian, a markdown-based tool that runs on all the popular platforms.

Home stuff, journals, learning, home projects, CRM, pipelines, business projects, tasks, all in one place.

And everything is interconnected, so you can navigate everything you know and manage like one bit website.

Sort of like your own brain.

I’ve routinely received praise from partners, clients, and even vendors thanks to how organised everything is, and how nothing takes me more than a few seconds to refer to.

Everything’s only a couple of folders deep, too, thanks to strong naming conventions and light plugin use to auto-generate exactly what I need.

It’s free, I’d recommend giving it a shot. It’s been invaluable for me.