Tech stack changes April 2023

Some fun experiments in my tech stack:

Web Browser: Edge. Built in AI tools to summarise materials, super-useful. Vertical tabs let you negotiate flurries of activity faster. Still Chromium based, so everything from Chrome still works great.

Knowledge management: Obsidian. Started using this at the top of the year but it’s still worth mentioning. Nothing has come close to Obsidian for organising thoughts, knowledge, and project data. It has even taken over from iA Writer as my distraction-free editor of choice, thanks to some wonderful themes and plugins from the Obsidian community that make it look delicious. This has stuck and made its way into my main Tools stack.

Media player: VLC. I used this in the past, but settled into Apple Music for the longest time. Since I own downloaded copies of most of the media I enjoy listening to, getting that media to go mobile is fascinatingly difficult in 2023. VLC’s app hooked up to web storage providers, meaning it can be everywhere, regardless of what any one walled garden might advocate.

Terminal: Hyper. I’ve used iTerm 2 for a very long time. I didn’t expect to switch this one up, but Hyper has been a fun experiemnt. It’s simple, and powered by web tech so customisation can be done in web-native languages (which I like, as my development knowledge is purely web-based). Not quite enough to sway me from iTerm 2 and its hotkey profiles, but close!