Cheatcodes to enjoying your work

17 unusual cheatcodes to enjoying your work:

  1. Read with a pen
  2. Clean desktop (tidy)
  3. A Deep Work playlist
  4. Think of work like a game
  5. Read more (make the time)
  6. Mechanical keyboard (asmr)
  7. Go walk, ponder possibilities
  8. Rewards for doing hard things
  9. Take more breaks (just trust me)
  10. Use stickies & sharpies (tactility)
  11. Desk toys (reminder to be playful)
  12. Stop delegating the things you love
  13. Automate/eliminate things you hate
  14. Eliminate money worries (e.g. simplify)
  15. Drink more water (I know you like coffee)
  16. Personal monthly challenges (you vs you)
  17. Take courses that look fun (prioritise growth)

This isn’t an exhaustive list… but it’s a different kind of list.

Pick one. Just one. And see what happens.