Transcend the trend

“You are not in the awareness business, you’re in the falling in love business.” — David Horvath, Uglydoll founder

As much as the business gurus and social influencers would like you to believe otherwise…

…Growing fast is not always a good thing.

In fact, it could even be the worst thing to happen to your brand.

Lifestyle brands that explode in one store, region or pop trend become associated explicitly with that thing. And then they die with it when it dies.

Lifestyle brands that endure, must do so by being present alongside the trends, but without being associated with the trends, and without being the trend. This allows them to transcend the trend and become a true lifestyle brand.

Achieving this is as much about what you say “No” to, and deliberately remove your brand from, as it is about developing the right amplificaiton opportunities.

“Explosive growth” suggests an explosion has taken place: something out of control, that can cause damage to those close by. That’s not a good thing, nor something we should necessarily desire.

“Going viral” suggests something that is spreading out of control, that may infect anyone anywhere. This is also not a good thing and makes for a lousy goal.

But “Controlled growth” is much safer, and much fitting for a resilient, sustainable body of work.

As is a healthy referral system, which rewards people inviting right-fit friends, rather than just ‘anybody’.

So pick your own pace.

And own the pace you pick.