Sunk Costs Sink Your Best Work

“This time, this will work…”

Will it?

The project that isn’t working won’t benefit from stubborn pursuit. Listening to those you wish to serve and modifying the initiative is the path to progress. To continue to invest in a direction you’d prefer merely because of the time and money you’ve already invested is to curse your future time and resources to the same fate.

The marketing channel that isn’t working for you won’t benefit from more advertising spend. Modifying the value you extend to those on that channel so that it’s actually useful to them – or selecting a channel better suited to those you wish to serve – are the only options available to you. To continue to invest more time and resources without change is to curse future time and resources to the same fate.

The team member that isn’t working won’t benefit from being allowed to continue in mediocrity. Leading them to excellence or releasing them to find a role they can thrive in are the only options available. To enable others to produce fractional results for your cause and their lives because of the time and resources you’ve already invested in them is to curse your future time and resources to the same fate.

We can’t create an impact on the future by holding on to what got us here. If you’ve a mission to pursue, your meaningful work deserves better than to be shackled with your past.