What You Need VS What You Think You Need

What got them here won’t get them there:

  • We’re lousy fortune-tellers. What we think it’ll be like is not reality. Being rich. The successful launch. Doubling revenue. Overcoming that health condition. Owning that new thing. The promise, and the reality, are vastly different from each other.
  • Communicating this to the market is futile. Everyone wants to find out for themselves that riches won’t make them happy. That increasing revenue is a moving target. That being healthier is a moving target. That the allure of the item will fade.
  • But leading the market is paramount, and that starts where they are. If we’re in business to serve, we must meet them where they are, then raise their ambition to what is possible for them. To only do the former will only humor them, not help them. To only attempt the latter is to miss the opportunity to help them at all.

What they think they need may not get them there. But it can be a good place for us to start.

Tip: This all lives and dies on your ability to communicate well with the market. BuiltForImpact.net can help you with that.