Small Decisions That Make Big Changes

It’s comforting to suppose that we were always going to end up where we are right now. That the successful people were always going to be successful, that your bills were always going to be paid when they were, and your life was always going to find its way to this moment.

But that’s not how life works.

In reality, we are where we are because of the tiniest decisions we made, compounded, over time.

  • A successful person started making small decisions that compounded, such as deciding to read a book instead of kicking a ball against a wall one day.
  • Your bills got paid because of small decisions that compounded, such as deciding to do a Google search about a new skill you thought you might be interested in learning more about one day.
  • Your body looks the way it does because of small decisions that compounded, such as delaying until ‘tomorrow’, or the single decision to make a daily habit of exercise.

We are where we are because of small decisions. It’s a blessing and a curse, but one we get to control.

Tip: Standing out, selling better, and making an impact are all things that can start with small decisions, such as going to to get your communication right.