The People Tax

Did you know that you pay a tax for everyone you work with?

(Even yourself?)

Imagine you have a huge rock that must be moved to the other side of a field. How do we move that rock?

By paying taxes:

#1 The people tax code for Employees, Business partners, and Contractors

These are people who, together, can help move that rock.

But they don’t care about moving it like you do. And they’ll push it without a plan, unless you provide the plan.

And they won’t follow the plan, unless you give them more coins than you think they deserve.

And it will end up close to where you wanted it, but not perfectly where you wanted it.

This is the people tax.

#2 The people tax code for doing it all yourself

This takes longer. The rock is just as big. You still need a plan (albeit a different plan).

You’ll move the rock, it just takes more sweat from you. You’ll keep more coins, it just takes more time from you.

And it will end up close to where you wanted it, but not perfectly where you wanted it, because of the sweat and time it took to get it there.

This is the people tax.

The third option is to not move the rock.

But when we want to move the rock, we pay the tax.

Making peace with these taxes frees us from ongoing feelings of anxiety, regret, disappointment, frustration and resentment.

We simply get to choose how we pay.