Convincing People VS Winning People

Good marketing convinces people. Great marketing wins people. What’s the difference?

I’ve led a lot of sales calls over the years…

I discovered that there’s an entirely different set of skills required to lead someone to a good buying decision from decent marketing vs great marketing.

One requires you to “convince people to buy”.

The other invites you to “win them over as people”.

Here’s the difference:

Convincing people:

  • Listing available features
  • Comparing to competitors
  • Explaining how the service works
  • Wrapping it in a limited-time offer

Winning people:

  • Empathising with their problem
  • Sharing their vision for the future
  • Knowing the way to their goal
  • Going there with them

You can convince a mind to take a step after winning their heart.

But you can’t win a heart by convincing their mind.

Which do you do?