Hard isn’t impossible

I’m not very good at math.

I consider doing math to be ‘hard’.

But I’m fully aware that doing math is not ‘impossible’.

It’s simply a case of knowing the formulas and equations, knowing how to tackle each math problem, and bam, solved.

The same can be said for resonating with those you wish to serve in the market.

Knowing who you’re talking to and what they need to hear from you is ‘hard’ too.

‘Hard’, again, meaning: knowing the formulas and equations, knowing how to tackle each problem, then bam, solved.

Even while being bad at math, I didn’t get a 0 in my school exams. I got some right. I just didn’t get an A.

If your potential customers are giving you Ds and Fs from a brand messaging perspective, know that it’s ‘hard’.

And remember all ‘hard’ really means.