Unboxing a Digital Product

When you buy a physical item, it normally comes in a box.

You get to open the box.

If it’s well designed, it’ll be an experience in itself, leading you to understand and appreciate what you’ve bought. You’ll understand instantly and clearly what’s inside. It’s fun.

What about digital products and services?

You don’t get a box. But you could still make the “digital unboxing” fun.

If “digital unboxing” is done right, it too will be an experience in itself, leading you to understand what you’ve bought. You’ll understand instantly and clearly what’s inside. It’s fun. Engaging. Memorable. Something to tell your friends about.

Most digital goods I’ve experienced have a shoddy delivery model. You’re left waiting for emails or someone to get back to you. You get a receipt and that’s it. You may get a set of login details and are then left to go figure it out on your own. Theres no leadership, no guided discovery, no “digital unboxing”.

If you offer digital goods, think about the unboxing experience. It’s there whether you consider it or not, and your customers are taking notice.