Goodwill Blast Radius

You don’t get to place a grenade in your friend’s hand, pull the pin, and expect to walk away in one piece.

Do the same rules apply beyond explosives?

If you refer business to a client, there’s a blast radius: You’re perceived to be dripping with engagements, an oracle of opportunity, a good person to know. They’ll tell others when asked.

If you connect a peer with a service they need, there’s a blast radius: You’re perceived as the one that knows all the tools, all the hacks, a good person to know. They’ll tell others when asked.

If you extend goodwill to others in the marketplace, there’s a blast radius: You’ll be associated with that which you extend to others, because our brains like patterns and putting things (and people) into boxes.

For the betterment of your meaningful work, pick good boxes, live it out, and pull the pin.