“How’s it going?”

These are words we should never hear from those we serve.

For clients, “How’s it going?” means you dropped the ball. They’re anxious because they’re counting on you, and you haven’t shown up enough. They don’t know what’s going on. You’re not communicating enough.

For past clients, “How’s it going?” means you dropped them. You got the cash, rendered the service, then walked away. They don’t know what more is possible for them, and you didn’t show enough care to pursue their goals with them.

For prospects, “How’s it going?” means you dropped your leadership role. They don’t see a clear path to how you can solve their problems. You’re beating about the bush instead of making things better.

We all drop things sometimes. Silly, butterfingers. But there’s a line past which we become “clumsy”, and that’s a place that’s tough to come back from.

Hold on tight.