Your birth year and your work

What does your birth year have to do with your work?

More than we think:

If I was born 10 years earlier, I’d have learned to draw with an all-physical skillset.

If I was born 10 years later, I’d have learned to draw with an all-digital skillset.

I was born when I was born, and so I learned to draw with a hybrid skillset… part before we had computers and internet, part after.

And so I get to enjoy the confidence that comes from the permanence of ink… with the freedom that comes from the non-destructive editing of digital.

Some younger artists may not have to learn the confidence born of such permanence, and produce sheepish line work.

Some older artists may scoff at my affinity toward ‘undo’ as I make my final lines up “just right”.

My birth year affects my work.

And your birth year affects yours.

And in it, you’ll find more unique advantage that you may not have thought about before.

Harness it!