Why buy?

Is your work an investment, a durable good, or a commodity?

In the past, you knew your category by what you sold.
In digital, you get to choose.

If you sold an investment or luxury (such as a good stock, or prestigious timepiece) the logic is to collect, for its value will increase. Buying occurs due to scarcity and rarity.

If you sold a durable good (such as a car or smartphone) the logic is to upgrade, because its value will decrease. Buying occurs because this one is the new one and belief is that the economy is developing.

If you sold a commodity (such as socks or food) the logic is to consume, because its value is now gone. Buying occurs because it’s deemed necessary.

For instance, a web designer could be any of these things. An investment if their involvement is singularly very impactful, their pedigree useful, and they’re deemed a rare talent. A durable if they’re rebuilding a SMB website with a popular theme that fits current trends. A commodity if they belong to a just-in-time shop who’s cold email landed during an emergency.

You get to choose.